Monday, December 6, 2010

Movie Review 1

As if teenage love movies aren’t annoying enough someone decided we should make some werewolves and some vampires. In the latest addition to the Twilight series Eclipse Bella is being hunted by Victoria an old and powerful vampire bent on revenge after her love was killed by Edward. The series isn’t as awful as some people make it but it definitely isn’t good either. The vampires are all model looking types with perfect hair and skin that quite literally glistens in the sun because of a crème they wear to protect them from disintegrating. In the end it’s a mediocre love story with a cheesy monster twist.


  1. Good job of stating your true opinion.

  2. HAHAHA from the start I knew how you felt about this book or movie? Movie I am guessing based on your title. I definitely got your opinion on this one. BRAVO
