Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Starry Mess

A Starry Night is the famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh. It is basically an 1889 version of Avatar. Anyone could have created it and it’s overrated! Vincent Van Gogh suffered from anxiety and mental health issues, he wasn’t an artist he was a mess. It is said this painting was done when he was in the sanitarium after cutting off his ear because of a fight with his BFF. The painting is essentially a series of childlike swirling brush strokes to create a very simple image of a small town on a dark night. Van Gogh did another painting called Starry Night over the Rhone which looks painfully similar except in that one his inspiration was at the bank of a river which was about year before he revisited the Looney bin.

What’s even more upsetting than the unimaginative painting itself is the fact that it is very similar to a sketch of the whirlpool galaxy which was done by Williams Parsons about 44 years prior. Parsons was an English astronomer not a painter. He drew up a quick sketch that looks like what Van Gogh the Great did almost 50 years later. Does that raise your eyebrows? Was Van Gogh really that influential of an artist or did he just make a semi visually appealing painting that people just got a little carried away with. Vincent van Gogh isn’t an impressionist just an illusionist.


  1. Had a few sentence structure issues, but other than that I thought your review was decent. I liked your use of humor throughout. You also made a fairly good argument for why Starry Night shouldn't be considered a classic. Good work!

  2. This was an interesting take on this painting. I feel like you may have gone a little far in attacking the artist rather than the artwork, however, the use of humor was entertaining. Maybe you could have talked about some more specific aspects of the painting which make it a mess, and why it looks similar to the other pieces you mentioned.

  3. Interesting review. I like how you wrote "he wasnt an artist, he was a mess". Your opinion is stated strongly throughout the review.

  4. Nice Avatar reference! At times I felt like you were a tad harsh on Van Gogh's character, but it was kind of funny at the same time. Great job!

  5. Like your previous review, a little more editing would have turned this good review into something great. I also thought your criticisms of Van Gogh were very interesting. The last line in the review was quite simple yet incredibly powerful.

  6. This was an entertaing read for sure, but I felt that the piece needed to be edited and toned down. There were just a lot of weird sentences and there didn't seem to be a whole lot of review, just a lot of anger at Van Gogh. Like I said though, it was an entertaining piece.

  7. I almost chose to do my review on this painting. Good thing I didn't, that would've been awkward. I enjoyed how you used the term BFF, it gave the review humor and modernized the painting somewhat. Good way to call Van Gogh out by comparing this particular piece of work to a previous one done by another artist.
