Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Everyone lies. Everyone has their own agenda. Is it possible to base a show off of an idea that simple and make work? Simply put yes. Fox’s series House M.D isn’t your typical doctor show. It’s a show created by Howard Shore that’s center around a doctor named Greg house. He is the Chief of Diagnostic Medicine .To be frank Greg House is a prejudice, pessimistic, bitter, immoral scenic. So why does he have job as Chief of Diagnostic Medicine and a show for that matter, well because he’s a genius. House is literally viewed as one of the best doctors in the world. He has a team of three to have him solve his medical cases. House is so elite that he gets to choose which cases he takes on. He only picks the ones that interest him that have some sort of strange twists.

The series debuted in 2004 and is currently in its seventh season. His current team is actually made up of four people now. House is currently dating the dean of the hospital Elizabeth Cuddy and his best friend is the director of oncology James Wilson. There have been many ups and down with the characters of the show but house has always remained a complete asshole and genius which is why it’s hard to get rid of him. Only in the last two seasons has the show really started to take a slightly different turn with the character of Greg House that is played by British actor Hugh Laurie. Laurie’s character had a leg injury that originated from a paintball incident. Through complications it became so severe he lost part of the use of his leg, was left to walk with a cane, and endure severe pain. Because of this he became addicted to vicodin. House after much ducking and dodging of his coworkers, friends, and authorities was made to go to rehab. In rehab House not only managed to wean himself off vicodin but started to analyze the choices he made and consider the people he hurt with his cold, morbid, and sarcastic indifference to the world.

Now that you have a brief idea of who Greg House is the most current episode entitled Small Sacrifices. In this episode we deal with the one thing House believe to be true, everyone lies. The episode starts off with a man reenacting the Jesus being hung on the crucifix. The man then starts bleeding from the mouth and his associates pull him down. We later find out that this man believes he has made a deal with God to save his daughter’s life if he sacrifices himself which House of course finds ridiculous. House struggles with finding his own inner peace but ultimately believes Religion is for idiots who accept a ridiculous answer for when there isn’t a rational one. In this episode Taub suspects his wife of cheating and she just took him back because of all the cheating he’s done to her. Cuddy is still mad at House for the lie he recently told to her because she thought in their newfound relationship he was trying to change. His best friend Wilson is planning on proposing to his ex-wife who he recently has started dating again. It seems pretty much the entire cast dynamic in this latest episode is based on some sort of lie or deception. Some of these situations are resolved and some are not. I will say one of the lies is resolved with another lie.

House is a show that is very structured. It has new extreme, over the top wacky cases and characters dramas but ultimately has the same recipe. House lives his dramatic life until he all of a sudden gets an epiphany how to solve a case. Greg House says a lot of things people want to say but we realize if we say them we’d probably be assaulted. House M.D can be slightly ludicrous at times but its fun and the characters are interesting. Hey, does structuring stop you from watching Law and Order: SVU?


  1. Great comparisons made at the end of the review! They would have been stronger somewhere in the middle, however. Great organization, but it felt a little rushed at the end. Overall, this was good!

  2. I've never watched the show so the first two paragraphs were informative, but you probobly could have compacted them into one.

  3. Real good opener and the structure of the entire review made it flow very nicely.

  4. I liked how you tied the idea of "everyone lies" throughout the whole review. Although there was a bit too much plot for me in the beginning, the end had some interesting points.

  5. Very good introduction, it caught my attention. Also your review was well organized, good job.

  6. I agree that the beginning seemed a bit drawn out, and the ending rushed. I always found your tone in this to be somewhat choppy. Other than that, I thought it was good. Your take on the show was interesting.

  7. Although this felt more like an essay than a review/critique, it was still informative and gave a thorough history of the character for newbies to the show (me).

  8. Good intro, I think it was a great setup for those that have not seen much of the show.
